Shengshi Construction and Administration Bureau, Zhejiang Province
Sijiao Island, Shengshi County, Zhejiang Province, PRC
2,700 ha
Urban & Regional Planning
Project Description
TOWNLAND was selected to participate in an international competition for the Conceptual Planning of Sijiao Island in Shengshi County, Zhejiang Province, PRC by the Urban Planning Society of China for the Shengshi Construction and Administration Bureau of Zhejiang Province. The intention behind the Project was to (i) prepare a Comprehensive Conceptual Plan for Sijiao Island and (ii) elaborate urban design concepts for four key sites (key intervention areas) located around the Island.
TOWNLAND assessed the development potential of Sijiao Island taking into account available land resources, the desired character of the Island, and forecast population growth up to 2020, and set out a clear and well organized system of land uses (including coastlines) and a set of policies and actions to support the implementation of this system.
The overall development concept focused on the diversification of the economic base of the Island, with particular regard to enhancing the Island’s tourism, recreation and industry potentials. It is envisaged that by 2020, Sijiao Island will have developed into a principal tourism destination in the Region, catering to the needs of low, middle and high income tourists alike. Sijiao Island will be well recognised as a recreational playground, providing both lively and dynamic tourism attractions and relaxing tourism attractions based on nature. Typical tourism facilities proposed include exclusive four and five star hotels, two and three star hotels, bungalows, cabins and camping areas, international standard golf courses, a major theme park, seafood markets, eco-trails and restaurants, a recreational cable car and extensive water based activities focused on key beaches and other key scenic areas on the Island.