PT. Summarecon Agung, Tbk
Jakarta, West Java, Indonesia
250 ha & 15ha
Master Planning, Landscape Architecture
IP131 & IP168
Project Description
TOWNLAND was commissioned by PT. Summarecon Agung Tbk, to undertake a Master Layout Plan for a 250 ha Site to the north of Bekasi City Centre, West Java. The primary objective of the Master Layout Plan is to develop a new urban centre and residential facilities aimed at the mid to high-end market. The new Development will generate a distinctive high quality urban environment to act as a catalyst for the emergence of a new City Centre within the Bekasi Region.
The Development consists of three major precincts including two residential neighbourhoods and a Town Centre. The Town Centre is a vibrant mix of mid to high rise mixed-use buildings. Uses include shopping centres, office buildings, a hotel and apartment towers, also catering for the Regional market. The Town Centre showcases a range of contemporary urban spaces and architecture. The two surrounding residential neighbourhoods consist of low-density residential developments, providing housing within a more green and tranquil suburban environment.
In the initial planning for the overall structure of the Development, the proposed flyover toll road (that bisects the southern part of the Site) was utilised as a catalyst to implement the concept of Transit Oriented Development (TOD) as the Development’s overriding urban theme. Existing water bodies are also retained and enhanced to provide residential neighbourhoods with green focal points. The Development is a mixture of an efficient land utilisation and an organic spatial arrangement to create a pleasant urban experience for both residents and visitors alike.
TOWNLAND was subsequently commissioned to prepare comprehensive Landscape Design Services for a 15 ha Site along the Main Boulevard in the Township of Summarecon Bekasi. TOWNLAND’s Services covered the upgrading of existing streetscapes as well as the design of main and secondary entrances and areas under fly-overs and roundabouts. TOWNLAND’s services also included for Conceptual Landscape Design through to the Tender Documentation stage and Periodic Site Inspections during the construction period.