Mott Connell Limited, Hong Kong for Beijing Town Planning Bureau
Beijing, PRC
59.6 ha
Master Planning
Project Description
TOWNLAND was invited to compete in an International Design Competition and to prepare a Planning and Design Strategy for 60 ha of land surrounding the proposed Beijing Metro Liuli Qiao (West) Station (Lines 9 and 10). Based upon the principles of Transit-Orientated-Development (TOD), the Strategy effectively utilises land by directly integrating the Liuli Qiao (West) Station and its Passenger Transport Hub with other traffic modes and surrounding land uses.
The Master Layout Plan includes five major components including: (1) Metro Station Development that incorporates a multi-level circular underground Station with above landmark tower and direct underground linkages with surrounding transport modes; (2) Podium Development is elevated off the ground floor to provide permeable car-free pedestrian environments as well as vibrant indoor and outdoor retail/entertainment landscaped spaces; (3) Tower Development that consists of a series of three-dimensional tower blocks with triangulated and twisted architectural forms that accommodate commercial and hotel uses; (4) Residential Development directly to the south-east of the Station consisting of numerous free-standing residential blocks enclosing their own semi-public landscaped courtyards; and (5) a Metro Park to provide a flowing connection between the Metro Station and surrounding land uses. The Metro Park is designed as a dynamic series of hard and soft spaces each containing different activities that include recreational uses, public event squares, outdoor sport activity areas, alfresco dining areas, an ecological park, a botanical garden and a passive green buffer situated around the periphery of a lake.
TOWNLAND’s objective is to generate a unique and striking three-dimensional mixed-use landmark Development that reflects the importance of multi-transportation interchanges. TOWNLAND was AWARDED SECOND PRIZE for this Project.