Land Use Planning for the Closed Area

Hong Kong

Planning Department, Hong Kong Government
Frontier Closed Area, Hong Kong
26.3 sqkm
Master Planning

Project Description

The Frontier Closed Area (FCA) (the Closed Area) was first established in 1951 to help law enforcement agencies maintain the integrity of the boundary between Hong Kong and Mainland China and to combat illegal immigration and other cross boundary criminal activities. The Security Bureau of the Hong Kong Government conducted a review of the extent of the Closed Area and concluded that the objective of maintaining boundary security may still be achieved even if the coverage of the Closed Area is substantially reduced. A plan showing the land to be released was proposed in September 2006 and the Hong Kong Government made commitments to review land use and planning options prior to its release scheduled for 2011 onwards. To examine the future use of the areas to be released from the Closed Area and put them under planning control, this Study carefully examined the development potential and constraints of these areas. The findings of this study enabled the Planning Department (PlanD) to prepare statutory town plans for these areas prior to coming into effect of the new Closed Area boundary.

TOWNLAND was responsible for providing land use and institutional planning, urban design, landscape design, public engagement inputs, and broad socio-economic inputs to the Study, including the preparation of Development Plans and associated Explanatory Statements, Urban Design Plans, Master Layout Plans for specific development options, Recreation and Tourism Plans and Landscape Concept Plans. TOWNLAND produced detailed urban design, master layout design, landscape design and tourism planning to support the proposed land use strategy. These inputs displayed the planning vision for the Study Area and are critical in consulting with key stakeholders on the outcomes of the Study.

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